Election Political Democracy

The Underground Church Response to the U.S. Election, “Love No Matter What” 

As the 2024 U.S. election nears, American Christians find themselves in a deeply divided political landscape. Heated debates surround issues like Democrat vs. Republican, building a wall vs. open borders, and Israel vs. Palestine. But as followers of Christ, we are called to rise above these divisions. In Joshua 5, Jesus made it clear—He did not come to take sides, but to claim His own. When asked, “Are you for us or for our adversaries?” He responded, “No, I am the commander of the Lord’s army.” The real question is not which side we are on, but whether we are on His side.  

In preparing for this blog, we interviewed disciples from around the world to share their insights on how we can navigate these divisive times as followers of Christ. Amid political unrest, we are called to trust God, share Christ and to Love No Matter What. 

Outcomes Change. Mission Stays the Same. 

At Global Catalytic Ministries (GCM), our mission to make disciples remains unchanged, regardless of who holds political power. Whether in democracies or under authoritarian regimes, our calling transcends human systems. In the West, we often equate comfort with security, but one disciple-maker in the East offers a sobering reminder: “Democracy discourages the Great Commission because it just leads to a comfortable pew, which does not really provoke. The cross is rugged, it is rough, it is gnarly, it is uncomfortable, it is nothing like a cushioned pew.”  

This contrast between the East and West underscores a key point: while we may find comfort in our political freedoms, they can sometimes lessen our urgency to spread the Gospel. In regions where persecution is common, the church grows rapidly, driven by the need to share Christ in the face of danger. As another disciple-maker noted, “85% of all disciple-making movements are on the back of calamity, whether it be war, tsunami, or famine.” (Eastern disciple-maker) 

Discipleship Beyond Elections: A Global Perspective 

The church’s mission is not tied to any political system. While American Christians may enjoy the freedom to vote and speak openly, many believers around the world face severe consequences for their faith. As one disciple-maker from the East said, “In places like Saudi Arabia or Yemen, where political freedoms are almost non-existent, the Gospel is spreading like wildfire.” 

It is a powerful reminder that the Great Commission thrives in some of the most hostile environments. As another disciple-maker from the East explained: “The fastest-growing churches are in the most oppressed regions.”  

This raises an important question for those of us in the West: are we leveraging our freedoms to further God’s Kingdom, or are we settling into complacency? One Western disciple-maker put it clearly: “Does democracy create a sense of comfort and security? Yes. Under democracy, we have the sense that we are safe to practice our beliefs and that we do not have to be ‘that radical’ to be a disciple of Christ. However, when you do not have the ‘right’ to obey Christ, it forces you to make a decision: ‘Will I obey, or bow my knee to a different God?’” 

The Kingdom of God vs. The Kingdom of Man 

The Bible teaches us that God appoints leaders, both good and bad, for His purposes. Just as He used King Cyrus of Persia to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, we must trust that God is in control, no matter who wins the election. One Western disciple-maker reminds us: “Whether it is a Harris-Walz administration or Trump-Vance, the mission remains the same. We lay down our lives, even for our enemies. That is the calling of a disciple.” 

This truth is echoed in the East as well. One disciple-maker from the Middle East stated: “As far as the church operating despite the absence of political freedoms, is to continue to live dead. So, day by day, continue to live as if it is your last, and to die to self, be on the altar.” 

In this context, democracy can sometimes foster a false sense of security, as one Western disciple-maker pointed out: “If persecution comes to a country, that means the people were not doing what God has called them to do… He brings judgment in that community.” 

God’s sovereignty transcends political systems. Whether we live under a democracy, monarchy, or dictatorship, we are called to the same mission: to make disciples and advance the Kingdom of God. 

Faith Over Fear 

Fear is a natural response to political uncertainty, but as followers of Christ, we must walk by faith, not fear. One Eastern disciple-maker offered this powerful reminder: “We love radically no matter the offenses and no matter the situations. We keep our eyes on the broken and do not let our love grow cold.” 

Whether we face political freedom or oppression, rich or poor, our call remains the same, and God calls everyone to the altar. The real battle is not political—it is spiritual. And our weapon is love. No matter who is in office, no matter what policies are enacted, we are called to love, to serve, and to make disciples of all nations. 

A Prayer of Gratitude and Awakening 

In political freedom, we often forget how blessed we are. As one Western disciple-maker pointed out: “Pray and vote according to how the Spirit leads you and be at peace with whatever outcome the Lord allows.” 

We thank God for our freedoms—speech, worship, and voting—privileges many around the world lack. But we also thank Him for using even the darkest forces to reveal His truth. Groups like ISIS and leaders like the Ayatollah have shown the true face of radical Islam, prompting many Muslims to seek the truth in Christ. 

As transformation happens in the Middle East, we pray for an awakening in America. In a culture consumed by money, power, and pleasure, we ask God to open eyes to the emptiness of these pursuits and turn hearts to the Gospel of Christ, the only true source of life. 

Lord, help us remember that spiritual battles exist everywhere—persecution and oppression in some places, apathy, and distraction in others. Regardless of where we live, we are all called to offer ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to You (Romans 12:1). This truth transcends borders and systems. May we, whether facing persecution or living in comfort, daily lay down our lives, trusting in Your sovereignty and spreading Your love and Gospel. Amen. 

Conclusion: The Church’s Mission Endures 

As we look toward the 2024 election, let us remember that our hope is not in human leaders but in Christ. One disciple-maker from the East reminds us of this truth: “We must remember that we are not Christians because we have the right to be, but because He chose us.” 

No matter the administration, no matter if a wall is built, no matter if the financial system collapses, NO MATTER WHAT, the mission of making disciples does not change. Whether we live in the relative comfort of democracy or the harsh realities of persecution, our calling is to love others, lay down our lives, and advance the Kingdom of God. As Jesus said, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35). 

Now more than ever, the world needs to see Christ’s love. Let us rise to the challenge and vote to—Love No Matter What. 

Be the Underground Church