URGENT MESSAGE: Your immediate support is crucial as tensions escalate between Israel and the Middle East. Click to donate today to change the course of this conflict and foster peace in the Middle East. URGENT MESSAGE: Your immediate support is crucial as tensions escalate between Israel and the Middle East. Click to donate today to change the course of this conflict and foster peace in the Middle East. URGENT MESSAGE: Your immediate support is crucial as tensions escalate between Israel and the Middle East. Click to donate today to change the course of this conflict and foster peace in the Middle East. URGENT MESSAGE: Your immediate support is crucial as tensions escalate between Israel and the Middle East. Click to donate today to change the course of this conflict and foster peace in the Middle East. URGENT MESSAGE: Your immediate support is crucial as tensions escalate between Israel and the Middle East. Click to donate today to change the course of this conflict and foster peace in the Middle East. URGENT MESSAGE: Your immediate support is crucial as tensions escalate between Israel and the Middle East. Click to donate today to change the course of this conflict and foster peace in the Middle East. 


Religious Freedom 2023: Iranian Underground Church Calls American Women to a Revolution

Just recently, GCM posted a video of an underground church leader in Iran challenging American sisters in Christ to step into God’s plans and purposes by boldly proclaiming the Gospel. To rise up with love and save their people, as Esther did for her nation. To be a Mahsa for America.

In the video, she asks the question, “Which of you will say, God use me?” This question carries holy weight for women in the American church.

A Women-Led Movement

As women in Iran fight against the oppression of Sharia Law, there’s another movement led by women who are facing severe persecution. The fastest growing underground church in the world is shepherded mainly by women, and they aren’t Bible scholars. Many of them don’t hold higher education degrees. They’re simply women with thirsty souls and eager, loving hearts to see their countrymen rescued from the grip of sin and death.

These women are rising up to spread the Gospel in an area ruled by Muslim extremists. They are sharing the Good News even in the face of rape, torture, and death. Every day they risk their lives to share eternal hope with those who are perishing in a lost and dying world.

Yet, their prayer is not for God to end the persecution. These women see how hardship brings them to their knees in prayer and into total reliance on God. They are willing to offer their bodies as living sacrifices in obedience to the true God. This God, who shows up in dreams and visions, has radically changed their hearts and lives.

He is a good, loving, faithful Father they can trust. Instead, they pray to suffer well and thereby encourage others in the faith to continue in their mission.

The Influence and Power of Women in God’s Kingdom

In this video, our sister in Iran reminds women in the Western church of how influential they are. She says, “Women are very powerful. When women unite and hold each other’s hands, they can create great revolutions.”

At this moment, the streets of Iran are full of protests led by women against the oppressive regime. Women are crying out for revolution, for change. They are crying out to be seen, heard, and valued by their government leaders.

“Our young women in Iran, without a plan for the future, without anything else in their hands except one heart, have risen up and stand without a weapon, without harming anyone else, have bravely stood up in front of the government, so that Iranians and Iran are saved. This revolution is being started by women,” says the underground church leader.

God highly values women and has used them in powerful ways to help redeem mankind. As our sister in Iran says, “He even designed His plan to save the whole world to come from the womb of a virgin woman named Mary, and He came to earth.” It is with this encouragement that our sister in Iran urges women in the Western church to make themselves available to be used by God. To spread the Gospel in America and save their countrymen.

The Call to Save a Nation

Everywhere there is talk of war, sickness, and hunger. The world is screaming that Christ is returning soon. Now is the time to for women in the Western church to rise up through the power of the Holy Spirit and save America. To bring the lost back home. To heal the sick. To save others out of the fire of hell.

Our sister in Iran pleads with American Christians, asking, “Which of you will say, ‘God use me in every part. We are ready, yes O God, we are ready. We are standing, use us for the glory of Your name to save women in America. Use us.’ Don’t let the precious women of America go to hell. Feed God’s sheep, the thing God asked of us, ‘Feed my sheep.’ Who of us is ready to do this for God?”

Prayer Focus

As the revolution continues in Iran, persecution is coming to the Western church. Please join us in supporting our brothers and sisters through prayer.


  • Women of the Western church would hear and obey the call of the Holy Spirit to “feed his sheep”
  • That American women would rise up with zeal for the salvation of their countrymen
  • For true spiritual revival in the Western church
  • That God would strengthen believers in the Western church as persecution comes
  • For boldness and courage for Iranian believers

Support the Underground Church

We are calling the world to pray and help fuel the movement for underground church that God started years ago in Iran. GCM is launching a campaign to raise $2 million to help support the underground church. We are on the brink of civil war in Iran and we don’t know how this will play out politically. Despite that, we are dedicated to making disciples in the darkest places on earth.

Let us labor together for this beautiful goal.  

When you give to the underground church, you give to:

  • 20 indigenous GCM core disciple makers evangelizing and discipling 
  • 5-10 Starlink modems, internet service, cell phones, cell service, VPNs, servers, websites, live monitoring, and support 
  • Transportation and food supplies for evangelism and discipleship meetings 
  • Indigenous project management 
  • Disciple-making facility rental and utilities
  • 800 access ministry packs and humanitarian aid (800 packs x $30/pack) 
  • Prayer mobilization