URGENT MESSAGE: Your immediate support is crucial as tensions escalate between Israel and Iran. Click to donate today to change the course of this conflict and foster peace in the Middle East. URGENT MESSAGE: Your immediate support is crucial as tensions escalate between Israel and Iran. Click to donate today to change the course of this conflict and foster peace in the Middle East. URGENT MESSAGE: Your immediate support is crucial as tensions escalate between Israel and Iran. Click to donate today to change the course of this conflict and foster peace in the Middle East. URGENT MESSAGE: Your immediate support is crucial as tensions escalate between Israel and Iran. Click to donate today to change the course of this conflict and foster peace in the Middle East. URGENT MESSAGE: Your immediate support is crucial as tensions escalate between Israel and Iran. Click to donate today to change the course of this conflict and foster peace in the Middle East. URGENT MESSAGE: Your immediate support is crucial as tensions escalate between Israel and Iran. Click to donate today to change the course of this conflict and foster peace in the Middle East. URGENT MESSAGE: Your immediate support is crucial as tensions escalate between Israel and Iran. Click to donate today to change the course of this conflict and foster peace in the Middle East.

365 Prayers for Israel | Essential Prayer Guide

As we approach the heartbreaking one year anniversary of the October 7th massacre we wanted to compile a prayer guide that covers Israel in prayer all 365 days; year round. Pray with us.


Global Catalytic Ministries originated in Iran and Afghanistan, majority Muslim regions. Today we are in 73% of all Middle East and North Africa regions. Our disciple makers share a unique perspective serving as underground believers in Israel and the surrounding nations like Lebanon, Iran, and Egypt.  

Our brothers and sister in Christ serving across the Middle East, come together under one banner and one mission. Together we contribute to the peace in Israel by transforming the Middle East through reaching the lost with strategic underground disciple-making. The mission of the Church transcends national and political boundaries 

In Joshua 5:13-14, Joshua encounters the angel of the Lord while spying out Jericho. Joshua questions the angel’s allegiance, asking if he is with God’s people or the enemy? Jesus’ response was, “neither”; He is for Himself.  


The gospel tears down the walls of separation. There are no sides with the Gospel. Only Christ. That is why the Gospel must go forward. We stand with Christ, and we stand with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of David.  


Messianic Jews and Christian Arabs are ministering together, sharing meals together, and reaching the lost Arabs and Israelis alike. We have seen former ISIS members come to Christ. Remember Saul, an enemy of the gospel, encounters the Lord in Acts 9:4 and becomes a catalytic disciple maker. Where we see terror God sees a disciple. 


There is a foretold Middle East revival that is to sweep both secular Israel and the surrounding Muslim nations. Isaiah 19 details an incredible move of God among Egyptians and Assyrians. The ancient Assyrian territory encompasses parts of Iran, Iraq, Türkiye and Syria. We are seeing the first fruits of this movement today. The ultimate restoration of the sons of Abraham side by side Ishmael and Isaac serving the Most High. 


Above all, Maranatha, O Lord come. 

The only political leader, the only human being with the wisdom, with the leadership, and with the authority to not just bring peace to Israel, but to bring legitimate eternal peace to the Middle East is Jesus.  

Israel Prayer Calendar


  1. Pray for Israelis to encounter God at Peniel like Jacob did. Gen. 32:24 
  2. Pray for Jacobs to become Israels. Gen 32:28 
  3. Pray Israel would be touched and marked by God. Gen. 32:32 
  4. Pray Israel would erect altars to the God of Israel (El-Elohe-Israel) and no other gods. Gen. 32:20 
  5. Pray for the healing for the survivors of sexual assault and the trauma of war. Gen. 34  
  6. Pray for all those experiencing great rage and vengeance. Gen. 34:7 
  7. Pray that God would appear to Israelis and bless them. Gen. 35:9 
  8. Pray for repentance of the sins of sexual immorality. Gen. 35:22 
  9. Pray for Israel’s national neighbors. Gen. 36:31 
  10. Pray Israel would recognize the Son of Joseph who has come. Gen. 37: 3 
  11. Pray for the sons and daughters on the frontlines to be encouraged. Gen. 37:13 
  12. Pray for no lack of provision for families. Gen. 42:5 
  13. Pray for Israel to recognize their long-lost brother Joseph. That is Messiah Yeshua. Gen. 43:6 
  14. Pray for Israel’s geopolitical treaties and alliances. Gen. 42:5 
  15. Pray for Israel to place their hope in their lost brother, Messiah ben Joseph. Gen. 43:8 
  16. Pray for Israel to bless their Messiah ben Joseph. Gen. 43:11  
  17. Pray for aid and provisions. Gen. 45:21 
  18. Pray for Israel not to lose hope in the Messiah ben Joseph; He is alive. Gen. 45:28 
  19. Pray that Israel would remember the God of their Father Isaac. Gen. 46:1 
  20.  Pray that God would speak to Israel in visions and dreams. Gen. 46:2 
  21.  Pray for the relations between Egypt and Israel. Gen. 46:5 
  22.  Pray Egypt and Israel would remember their ancient alliance. Gen. 46:8 
  23.  Pray for a restoration among sons and fathers. Gen. 46:29 
  24.  Pray for fathers to see their sons return from the frontlines. Gen. 46:30 
  25.  Pray the blessings of God upon Jews in the diaspora would lead them back to God. Gen. 47:27 
  26.  Pray for Israel in the diaspora to remember the Land God promised them. Gen. 47:29 
  27.  Pray that Israel would bow their head in worship. Gen. 47:31 
  28.  Pray for a sense of urgency to return to their heavenly Father. Gen. 48:1 
  29.  Pray for the strength and health of the elderly. Especially those who have lived through the trauma of war. Gen. 48:2 
  30.  Pray that God would remember the sons of Isael. Gen. 48:8 
  31.  Pray Israel would not have dim eyes but would see and embrace the fruit of Messiah ben Joseph. That is Messiah and the in-gathering (salvation) of the Gentiles. Gen. 48:10 


  1.  Pray that Israel would see the generational legacy, impact, and blessing of their faithfulness to God. Gen. 48:11 
  2.  Pray Israel would see how their family has grown through Christ and the salvation of Gentiles. Like half Egyptian Ephraim & Manasseh were blessed by Jacob. Gen. 48:13 
  3.  Pray the sons of Israel would remember the land of their fathers. Gen. 48:21 
  4.  Pray for prophetic guidance for the days ahead. Gen. 49:1 
  5.  Pray that all tribes would gather and hear. Gen. 49:2 
  6.  Pray for all those experiencing great anger and wrath. Gen. 49:7 
  7.  Pray and declare Israel you are blessed. Gen. 49:28 
  8.  Pray Israel will be fruitful, increase greatly, multiply and become mighty. Ex. 1:7 
  9. Pray for those that seek Israel’s destruction would recognize Israel’s might. Ex. 1:12 
  10.  Pray Israel’s prayers would rise up to God and He would hear. Ex. 2:23 
  11.  Pray God would see the Sons of Israel once again. Ex. 2:25 
  12.  Pray God would see the oppression. Ex. 3:9 
  13.  Pray the Greater Moses to deliver His people once again. Ex. 3:10 
  14.  Pray missionaries to Israel and the Middle East would not shy away from their calling. Ex. 3:11 
  15.  Pray Israel would once again hunger to know His Name. Ex. 3:13 
  16.  Pray Israel would know the “I AM WHO I AM.” Ex. 3:14 
  17.  Pray God would speak to the elders of Israel yet again. Ex. 3:16 
  18.  Pray Israel would seek to worship God. Ex. 3:18 
  19.  Pray Israel would understand their identity. Ex. 4:22 
  20.  Pray for all government assemblies and meetings. Ex. 4:29 
  21.  Pray Israel would believe God hears their cries. Ex. 4:31 
  22.  Pray the Pharaohs in the land would be confronted. Ex. 5:1 
  23.  Pray for all those in bondage and captivity. Ex. 6:5 
  24.  Pray God would bring Israel out from under her burdens. Ex. 6:6 
  25.  Pray Israel would hear the message of redemption. Ex. 6:9 
  26.  Pray for all diplomatic speeches and addresses. Ex. 7:2 
  27.  Pray that the resources of terrorist would dry up. That they may find Christ and repent. Ex. 9:6 
  28.  Pray for Goshen-like protection for the families in Israel. Ex. 9:26


  1.  Pray for signs and wonders that lead to salvation in Messiah. Ex. 11:10 
  2.  Pray Israel would see the prophetic foreshadowing of the Passover Lamb that is Messiah. Ex. 12: 3-6 
  3.  Pray Israel would remove the leaven from their hearts. Ex. 12:15-19 
  4.  Pray the time of Israel’s redemption would hasten. Ex. 12:40 
  5.  Pray for supernatural signs and wonders to lead Israel to belief in Messiah. Ex. 14:16-20 
  6.  Pray Israel would fear and believe in the Lord. Ex. 14:31 
  7.  Pray for redemption songs to be written and encourage Israel once again. Ex. 15:1 
  8.  Pray for gratitude in place of grumbling. Exodus 16:2-3 
  9.  Pray Israel would look ahead instead of behind for hope. Ex. 16: 3 
  10. Pray the Lord would hear their grumblings. Exodus 16:9 
  11.  Pray the glory of the Lord would appear to Israel once again. Ex. 16:10 
  12. Pray for supernatural provision to guide them to the Bread of Life, that is Messiah. Ex. 16:12 
  13.  Pray that Israel would accept and not reject the Bread from heaven. Ex. 16:15 
  14.  Pray Israel would embrace the rock that was stricken that is Messiah’s body being struck and the water of life flowing. Ex. 17:6 
  15.  Pray Israel would not grow weary in battle against the present-day Amalekites. The supernatural evil bent on their destruction. Ex. 17:11 
  16.  Pray Israel would return to their calling as a priestly nation. Ex. 19:6 
  17.  Pray Israel would hear God speak from heaven through His son the Messiah. Ex. 20:22 Hebrews 1:1-2 
  18.  Pray the elders and leaders of Israel would return to God. Ex. 24:1 
  19.  Pray the elders and leaders of Israel would receive their instructions from God. Ex. 24:1 
  20.  Pray Israel would encounter God. Ex. 24:10 
  21.  Pray Israel would fellowship with God. Ex. 24:11 
  22.  Pray Israel would be generous to God Himself. Ex. 25:2 
  23.  Pray Israel would remember the Mercy Seat. Ex. 25:22 
  24.  Pray Israel would find the Light of the World. Ex. 27:20 John 1:4 
  25.  Pray God would meet with Israel again. Ex. 29:43 
  26.  Pray God would dwell among Israel and be their God. Ex. 29:45 
  27.  Pray Israel would find their eternal sabbath rest in Messiah. Ex. 31:13 
  28.  Pray Israel would cease from their works and enter the greater sabbath that is atonement in Messiah. Ex. 31:17 
  29.  Pray Israel would identify and destroy the idols in their land. Ex. 32:4-8, 20 
  30.  Pray Israel would remember the covenant of their fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Ex. 32:12 
  31.  Pray for Israel’s stubbornness to melt away. Ex. 33:5


  1.  Pray the veil of Messiah’s face would be removed and Israel would see His face. Ex. 34:34 
  2.  Pray Israel would remember and obey the Lord’s commandments. Ex. 35:1 
  3.  Pray for, Bezalels, divinely inspired creatives to share the message of Messiah with Israel. Ex. 35:30 
  4.  Pray Israel would build God a tabernacle within their hearts. Ex. 39:32 
  5.  Pray Israel would recognize how Messiah is the greater sin offering. Lev. 9: 3 
  6.  Pray Israel would receive Messiah as the atonement for our transgressions and impurities. Lev. 16, Heb. 8-9 
  7.  Pray Israel would remember who their Lord and God is. Lev. 18:2 
  8.  Pray for Israel to return to her call to be holy as God is holy. Lev. 19:2 
  9.  Pray for the sanctity of life in the womb to be reflected in Israel’s policies. Lev. 20:2 
  10. Pray for the Lord’s appointed times and feast to reveal Messiah to Israel. Lev. 23:2 
  11. Pray the festival of booths would reveal Messiah has come into our hearts to dwell within us and He is coming again to dwell among us. Lev. 23:34 
  12. Pray the Land of Israel to receive her sabbath. That is the Millennial-Messianic Reign of Messiah. Lev. 25:2 
  13. Pray Israel would remember who brought them out of Egypt. Lev. 25:55 
  14. Pray Israel would remember and obey the Lord’s statutes and ordinances. Lev. 26:46 
  15. Pray Israel would know the Lord knows them individually by name! Num. 1:2 
  16. Pray for the sons and daughters in the military. Num. 1: 3 
  17. Pray for the leaders, generals, and officers. Num. 1:16 
  18. Pray for Israel would obey the Lord’s commands. Num. 1:54 
  19. Pray for accountability of sin. Num. 5:6 
  20. Pray for strong marriages. Num. 5:12 
  21. Pray a Nazarite movement of devotion to Messiah would arise. Num. 6:2 
  22. Pray the priestly blessing would reveal Messiah the High Priest. Num.6 :23, Heb. 8 
  23. Pray Israel would call on the Name of the Lord. Num. 6:27 
  24. Pray the Levites would repent and be cleansed by the blood of Messiah. Num. 8:6 
  25. Pray for a redeemed priestly movement within Israel. Num. 8:14 
  26. Pray God would influence the command structure of the IDF. Num. 9:18 
  27. Pray for clear communication in the IDF. Num. 10:4 
  28. Pray Israel remembers the Lord has promised good concerning Israel. Num. 10:29 
  29. Pray Israel would move in partnership with God’s presence. Num. 10:35-36 
  30. Pray for all those who grumble against the Lord. Num. 11:4 


  1. Pray for the elderly in Israel. Those who have endured many wars. Num. 11:16 
  2. Pray for repentance and revival among Mossad. Num. 13:2 
  3. Pray and bless Israel’s agriculture. Num. 13:26 
  4. Pray Israel would deal with the internal and external giants in the Land. Num. 13:32 
  5. Pray against deep unhealthy pessimism. Num. 14:2 
  6. Pray and declare the Land is a good Land. Num. 14:7. 
  7. Pray the glory of the Lord would appear once again. Num. 14:10 
  8. Pray for the Lord’s faithfulness and patience with Israel. Num. 14:27 
  9. Pray Israel remembers the Land is a gift from God Himself. Num. 15:2 
  10. Pray for righteous and objective laws for all Israeli citizens; Jewish, Arab, and all peoples. Num. 15:29 
  11. Pray the tassels on their garments reveal, the Word, Messiah. Num. 15:38, John 1 
  12. Pray for repentance, humility, and unity. Num. 16. 
  13. Pray that Israel may bring their blessings to the greater High Priest, Messiah. Num. 18:28 
  14. Pray concerning the red heifer that God would reveal how the blood of Messiah purifies thoroughly. Num. 19:2, 9-10, Heb. 9:13-14 
  15. Pray for all those who have seen so much death in the trauma of war. Num. 19:13 
  16. Pray for all those who have lost their mothers. Num. 20:1 
  17. Pray for repentance and the top leadership level in Israel. Num. 20:12 
  18. Pray God would prove Himself holy again. Num. 20:13 
  19. Pray for ambassadors, emissaries, and diplomatic messengers from Israel to the nations. Num. 20:14 
  20. Pray for diplomatic solutions with Israel’s neighbors. Num. 20:21 
  21. Pray for all those who mourn and grieve lost loved ones. Num. 20:29 
  22. Pray for all the captives of war. Num. 21:1 
  23. Pray Isarel would not tolerate internal idolatry. Num. 21:2 
  24. Pray Israel would sing again. Num. 21:17 
  25. Pray Israel’s song would break drought and desolation. Num. 21:17 
  26. Pray for Israel and her many enemies and her many wars. Num. 21:23 
  27. Pray God would hold accountable those who curse Israel. Num. 23:7 
  28. Pray for a consecration from idols. Num. 25:1 
  29. Pray for covenants with idols to be broken. Num. 25: 3 
  30. Pray for a healthy burning zeal for God’s ways to be restored. Num. 25:8
  31. Pray for a Phinehas movement, a purity movement, a zeal movement. Num. 25:11 


  1. Pray for righteousness in the housing and development departments. Num. 27:8, 11 
  2. Pray for Messiah to settle Israel’s wars. That one day we would no longer need ammunition and weapons. Num. 31:5 
  3. Pray against foul deceitful counsel. Num. 31:16 
  4. Pray for discouraged hearts to be encouraged. Num. 32:7 
  5. Pray for Israel’s wandering to come to an end. Num. 32:13 
  6. Pray for Messiah to restore Israel’s Biblical homeland at the appointed time. Num. 32:18 
  7. Pray for border security. Num. 34:2 
  8. Pray the Land of Israel would not be defiled. Num. 35:34 
  9. Pray for refreshed valor within Israel. Deut. 3:18 
  10. Pray Israel would have listening ears. Deut. 4:1 
  11. Pray Israel would learn and observe the Lord’s words carefully. Deut. 5:1 
  12. Pray the Land would flow with milk and honey. Deut. 6: 3 
  13. Pray Israel would fear the Lord and walk in His ways. Deut. 10:12 
  14. Pray for peace instead of panic amid rocket alerts. Deut. 20: 3 
  15. Pray for mercy. Deut. 21:8 
  16. Pray for the sanctity of marriage. Deut. 22:19-22 
  17. Pray for a purity movement. Deut. 22:19-22 
  18. Pray for freedom from any cult practices. Deut. 23:17 
  19. Pray human-trafficking networks are dismantled and survivors set free. Deut. 24:7 
  20. Pray the Lord would bless His people, Israel. Deut. 26:15 
  21. Pray Israel would remember the covenant of their fathers. Deut. 29:1 
  22. Pray Israel would remember God’s wonders performed in the Exodus. Deut. 29:2 
  23. Pray for the Joshuas in the Land to be strong and courageous. Deut. 31:7 
  24. Pray Israel would turn God’s words into song. Deut. 31:19 
  25. Pray Israel would dwell in the Land securely. Deut. 32:28 
  26. Pray Israel would be a blessing to the nations; revealing the Most High. Deut. 33:29 
  27. Pray for all those who mourn the loss of a father, mentor, or teacher. Deut. 34:8 
  28. Pray for a healthy transfer of power from generation to generation. Joshua 1:2 
  29. Pray God would draw the children of Israel near. Joshua 3:9
  30. Pray for Israel’s natural water supply and resources. Joshua 3:17 


  1. Pray the historical sights of the Land would reveal God’s unwavering faithfulness to Israel. Joshua 4:8 
  2. Pray for Israel’s elections. Joshua 4:14 
  3. Pray the young would ask their fathers to retell the stories of old. Joshua 4:21 
  4. Pray for circumcised hearts. Joshua 5:2, Deut. 10:16, Romans 2:29, Phi 3:2, 
  5. Pray Israel would not solely survive but thrive. Joshua 5:12 
  6. Pray for accountability and confession of sin. Joshua 7:19-20 
  7. Pray all Israel, women, men, and children would hear God’s words. Joshua 8:35 
  8. Pray for all Israel to be unified. Joshua 9:2 
  9. Pray Israel would ask for the Lord’s counsel. Joshua 9:14 
  10. Pray for the international community’s narrative of Israel. Joshua 10:21 
  11. Pray the heads of terror organizations would be held accountable. Joshua 10:42 
  12. Pray the Land would rest from her wars. Joshua 11:23 
  13. Pray Israel would prioritize the Presence of God. Joshua 18:1 
  14. Pray for Israel’s judicial system and immigration laws. Joshua 20:2, 9 
  15. Pray God’s promise would come to pass. Joshua 21:45 
  16. Pray for unity among all Israel instead of division. Joshua 22:33 
  17. Pray Israel would have rest from all her enemies. Joshua 23:1 
  18. Pray Israel would put away the foreign gods. Joshua 24:23 
  19. Pray for Israel’s holy biblical burial sites in the Land. Joshua 24:32 
  20. Pray for the generations that have arisen who do not know the Lord. Judges 2:10 
  21. Pray Israel would not do evil in the Lord’s sight. Judg. 2:11 
  22. Pray Israel would serve the Most High not serve Baals. Judg. 2:11 
  23. Pray Israel would listen to the Lord’s voice. Judg. 2:20 
  24. Pray Israel would keep and not transgress the covenant. Judg. 2:20 
  25. Pray Israel would keep and walk in the way of the Lord. Judg. 2:22 
  26. Pray Israel would remember and not forget her God. Judg. 3:7 
  27. Pray the Lord would raise up deliverers. Judg. 3:9 
  28. Pray the Spirit of the Lord would come upon the leaders. Judg. 3:10 
  29. Pray Israel would cry out to the Lord. Judg. 3:15 
  30. Pray for Deborah’s to arise and inspire. Judg. 4:4
  31. Pray that songs and praise will arise again. Judg. 5: 3 


  1. Pray for the mothers in Israel. Judg. 5:7 
  2. Pray for all the volunteer movements and organizations. Judg. 5:9 
  3. Pray Israel would recount the righteous deeds of the Lord. Judg. 5:11 
  4. Pray God would speak to those who are looking for a sign from God. Judg. 6:37 
  5. Pray Israel would not boast in their own hand but in God’s power. Judg. 7:2 
  6. Pray for dreams to reveal the Messiah. Judg. 7:15 
  7. Pray Israel would remember who delivered them from the hands of their enemies. Judg. 8:34 
  8. Pray Israel would not forsake the Lord. Judg. 10:6 
  9. Pray for a confession of sin. Judg. 10:10, 15 
  10. Pray for a redeemed Nazirite movement to inspire Israel. Judg. 13:5 
  11. Pray for unity instead of infighting among Israel’s tribes. Judg. 20:30 
  12. Pray for Messiah ben David to be Israel’s rightful King. Judg. 21:25 
  13. Pray Israel would seek refuge under the Lord’s wings. Ruth 2:12 
  14. Pray and bless the women in Israel to be like Rachel and Leah, builders. Ruth 4:11 
  15. Pray for a pure priesthood to arise. 1 Sam. 2:22, 28 
  16. Pray Israel would honor the Lord. 1. Sam. 2:30 
  17. Pray for messengers to arise with the Word of the Lord. 1 Sam. 3:20 
  18. Pray against the abuse of God’s presence. 1 Sam. 4: 3 
  19. Pray God’s glory would be restored. 1 Sam. 4:21 
  20. Pray for all the idols to bow and fall in the Land. 1 Sam. 5:7 
  21. Pray and lament for the abandoned Presence at Kiriath-Jearim. 1 Sam. 7:2 
  22. Pray Israel would return with all their heart to the Lord. 1 Sam. 7: 3 
  23. Pray for a prayer movement for Israel to arise. 1 Sam. 7:5 
  24. Pray for courage in place of fear. 1 Sam. 7:7 
  25. Pray for peace among Israel and her neighbors. 1 Sam. 7:14 
  26. Pray for confidence in the Lord’s strength. 1 Sam. 14:12 
  27. Pray Israel would not reject the Word the of the Lord. 1 Sam. 15:26 
  28. Pray for protection from the taunts of the enemy. 1 Sam. 17:8, 10 
  29. Pray for Israel to call on the Lord’s Name. 1 Sam. 17:45 
  30. Pray for all the families who have lost loved ones in the war. 2 Sam. 1:12 
  31. Pray a redeemed authentic worship sounds would arise from Israel. 2 Sam. 6:5


  1. Pray Israel would concern herself with God’s presence. 2 Sam. 6:15 
  2. Pray Israel would celebrate in God’s presence. 2 Sam. 6:21 
  3. Pray that Israel would remain planted. 2 Sam. 7:10 
  4. Pray that Israel would not be disturbed. 2 Sam. 7:10 
  5. Pray the Lord would give Israel rest from her enemies. 2 Sam. 7:11 
  6. Pray Israel would testify and witness to the world of God’s faithfulness, mercy, and kindness. 2 Sam. 7:23 
  7. Pray all peoples serving foreign gods would recognize the God of Israel. 2 Sam. 7:23 
  8. Pray and remind Israel God has established them as His people forever. 2 Sam. 7:24 
  9. Pray other nations magnify God on account of His faithfulness to Israel. 2 Sam. 7:26 
  10. Pray Israel would find courage in God. 2 Sam. 7:27 
  11. Pray that Israel would pray to God. 2 Sam. 7:27 
  12. Pray for rulers and leaders to administer justice and righteousness. 2 Sam. 8:15 
  13. Pray for Israel’s peace treaties. 2 Sam. 10:19 
  14. Pray for accountability for Israel’s rulers. 2 Sam. 12:12 
  15. Pray for sweet psalmist to arise in the Land again. 2 Sam. 23:1 
  16. Pray Israel would return to the Rock of Israel. 2 Sam. 23: 3 
  17. Pray the Lord would be moved by prayer. 2 Sam. 24:25 
  18. Pray and hasten the day when Israel and Judah will live safely again. 1 Ki. 4:25 
  19. Pray that God would not forsake His people. 1 Ki. 6:13 
  20. Pray as Israel laments at the Wailing Wall God would hear them. 1 Ki. 8:30 
  21. Pray God would forgive their sin. 1 Ki. 8:36 
  22. Pray God would teach them the good way. 1 Ki. 8:36 
  23. Pray God would send rain. 1 Ki. 8:36 
  24. Pray the Lord’s eyes would be open to supplication of His people. 1 Ki. 8:52 
  25. Pray God would maintain the cause of His people. 1 Ki. 8:59 
  26. Pray for David’s son to inherit His rightful place. 1 Ki. 9:5 
  27. Pray Israel would be restored to and with the house of David. 1 Ki. 12:19 
  28. Pray for political and religious unity. 1 Ki. 12:24 
  29. Pray the leaders in Israel would not lead Israel towards sin. 1 Ki. 16:2 
  30. Pray Israel would not do evil in the sight of the Lord. 1 Ki. 16:19


  1. Pray supernatural wonders would reveal the Messiah. 1 Ki. 17:1 
  2. Pray the rulers of Israel would not follow Baals. 1 Ki. 18:18 
  3. Pray for that remnant that has not bowed the knee to Baal. 1 Ki. 19:18 
  4. Pray for Israel’s Shepherd to arise and gather them. 1 Ki. 22:17 
  5. Pray Israel would not provoke God to anger. 1 Ki. 22:53 
  6. Pray Baal would be eradicated from Israel. 2 Ki. 10:28 
  7. Pray Israel’s deliverer would arise. 2 Ki. 3:5 
  8. Pray the Lord would see Israel’s affliction. 2 Ki. 14:26 
  9. Pray a repentance revival would sweep the Land. 2 Ki. 17:13 
  10. Pray an army of Hezekiahs would arise and do what is right in the eyes of the Lord. 2 Ki. 18:4 
  11. Pray Israel’s feet would no longer wander. 2 Ki. 21:8 
  12. Pray for the Lord’s mercy in place of calamity. 2 Ki. 21:12 
  13. Pray for worship like in the days of David to be restored. Eza. 3:10 
  14.  Pray for the song of thanksgiving and praise to arise. Eza. 3:11 
  15.  Pray for strong allies like king Cyrus. Eza. 4: 3 
  16.  Pray for joy to be restored in the Land. Eza. 6:16 
  17.  Pray Israel would dedicate the temple of their hearts to the Lord. Eza. 6:17 
  18. Pray the exiled would return. Eza. 6:21 
  19. Pray for those who study, practice, and teach the laws of God. Eza. 7:10 
  20. Pray the Lord’s ears would be attentive to Israel’s prayers. Neh. 1:6 
  21. Pray Israel’s salvation would come from Zion. Ps. 14:7 
  22. Pray the Lord would be enthroned upon Israel’s praise. Ps. 22: 3 
  23. Pray Israel would fear and glorify the Lord. Ps. 22:23 
  24. Pray the Lord would redeem Israel from all their troubles. Ps. 25:22 
  25. Pray Israel and Jacob would rejoice and be glad. Ps. 53:6 
  26. Pray Israel would ascribe unto the Lord the glory due His Name. Ps. 68:34 
  27. Pray those who wait on the Lord will not be ashamed. Ps. 69:6 
  28. Pray Israel would sing and praise the Lord with harp and lyre. Ps. 71:22 
  29. Pray God would be good to Israel. Ps. 73:1 
  30. Pray the Lord’s Name would be great in Israel. Ps. 76:1 
  31. Pray the Shepherd of Israel would lead His flock. Ps. 80:1


  1. Pray for that everlasting covenant. Ps. 105:10 
  2. Pray Israel would trust in the Lord. Ps. 115:9 
  3. Pray and remind Israel He who keeps Israel does not slumber. Ps. 121:4 
  4. Pray peace be upon Isarel. Ps. 125:5 
  5. Pray and bless the children in Israel. Ps. 128:6 
  6. Pray Israel would be redeemed from their iniquities. Ps. 130:8 
  7. Pray Israel would hope in the Lord. Ps. 131: 3 
  8. Pray for Israel’s promised inheritance. Ps. 135:12 
  9. Pray Israel would be glad in her Maker. Ps. 149:2 
  10. Pray Israel would not abandon the Lord. Isa. 1:4 
  11. Pray Israel would not despise the Holy One of Israel. Isa. 1:4 
  12. Pray Israel would not turn away from the Lord. Isa. 1:4 
  13. Pray that Zion may shout for joy. Isa. 12:6 
  14. Pray Israel would look to the Holy One of Israel. Isa. 17:7 
  15. Pray for the Israel-Egypt-Assyria blessing-alliance. Isa. 19 
  16. Pray Israel would be willing to repent and rest. Isa. 30:15 
  17. Pray Israel would have gladness of heart. Isa. 30:29 
  18. Pray and remind Israel that God is the Creator of Israel. Isa. 43:15 
  19. Pray and remind Israel they will not be forgotten. Isa. 44:21 
  20. Pray and remind Israel salvation will not delay. Isa. 46:13 
  21. Pray and remind Israel God has chosen to show His glory through them. Isa. 49: 3 
  22. Pray Israel would be a light unto the nations. Isa. 49:6 
  23. Pray and remind Israel the Lord is their rear guard. Isa. 52:12 
  24. Pray and remind Israel the Lord goes before them. Isa. 52:12 
  25. Pray and remind Israel their Husband is their Maker. Isa. 54:4 
  26. Pray and remind the Lord of His great goodness towards the house of Israel. Isa. 63:7 
  27. Pray Israel would return to the Lord. Jer. 3:12 
  28. Pray and remind Israel they are the tribe of the Lord’s inheritance. Jer. 10:16 
  29. Pray that Israel would cling to the Lord. Jer. 13:11 
  30. Pray Israel would drink from the fountain of living water. Jer. 17:13


  1. Pray and remind Israel they are on the Potter’s hands. Jer. 18:6 
  2. Pray and declare Israel will live on their own soil. Jer. 23:8 
  3. Pray and remind Israel the Lord promised to restore their fortunes. Jer. 30: 3 
  4. Pray Israel would fear not and be not dismayed. Jer. 30:10 
  5. Pray the Lord will return the captives. Jer. 30:10 
  6. Pray Israel would dwell in quiet and at ease. Jer. 30:10 
  7. Pray for the families in Israel. Jer. 31:1 
  8. Pray Israel would be rebuilt. Jer. 31:4 
  9. Pray Israel would take up tambourines and dancing again. Jer. 31:4 
  10. Pray Israel would sing aloud in gladness. Jer. 31:7 
  11. Pray and remind Israel the Lord is their Father. Jer. 31:9 
  12. Pray and remind Israel He who scattered you now gathers you. Jer. 31:10 
  13. Pray and remind Israel the Lord has made a New Covenant with them. Jer. 31:31 
  14. Pray and remind Israel the Lord will write His law on their hearts. Jer. 31:33 
  15. Pray and remind Israel the Lord will be your God. Jer. 31:33 
  16. Pray and remind Israel they are the Lord’s people. Jer. 31:33 
  17. Pray and remind Israel the Lord will fulfill the good word spoken to them. Jer. 33:14 
  18. Pray for the Son of David to sit on His throne. Jer. 33:17 
  19. Pray Israel would answer when the Lord calls them. Jer. 35:17 
  20. Pray the Lord would preserve His remnant. Jer. 44:7 
  21. Pray and encourage Israel; do not tremble. Jer. 46:27 
  22. Pray and declare Israel will not be put to shame. Joel 2:27 
  23. Pray and remind Israel the Lord is your refuge. Joel 3:16 
  24. Pray for wisdom and strategy regarding the Negev. Obd. 1:20 
  25. Pray and remind Israel the Lord will restore your splendor. Nah. 2:2 
  26. Pray the Lord would raise up Malachi-messengers to speak to Israel. Mal. 1:1 
  27. Pray Israel would see how the Lord’s Name has been magnified beyond her borders. Mal. 1:5 
  28. Pray Israel would remember the law of Moses. Mal. 4:4 
  29. Pray for the day when Israel will fear disaster no more. Zep. 3:15 
  30. Pray and declare Israel would become a blessing. Zec. 8:13 
  31. Pray the Lord would raise up a prayer movement of watchmen to contend for Israel. Eze. 3:17 


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