ISIS Islam Radical

When Will Christians Learn from ISIS? | Tragic Terrorist Attack on US Soil 

Tragic January ISIS Attack on US Soil 

It did not take long into the New Year to demonstrate America is under siege, and the Church continues to sleep while Islam advances. Islam is spreading like wildfire, faster than ever. Its ideology is sweeping through Europe, flooding into the West, and even hitting us here on US soil in a coordinated attack on America. January’s attack is a wake-up call to the Church. As we are dealing with scandal after scandal and upgrading our LED screens, the Church grows silent while the Barbarians are no longer at the gate but are in the city.  

ISIS Dies for a Lie; Christians Not Living for Truth 

Believers cannot afford to sit back and watch the enemy advance unchecked. The Church must rise and take the fight directly into the strongholds of darkness, even into the very heart of Islam, armed with the unstoppable power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Lessons from the Underground Church in the East reveal that even the most radicalized hearts can be transformed through disciple-making, modeling the way Jesus taught us to confront hatred with love and truth. 

This is not just a battle of ideologies. It is a spiritual war. 

Islam offers 99 names for Allah, but not one of them is “God is love.” This is why hearts remain empty and radicalized, desperate for hope, desperate for the truth only found in Jesus. That is why we have planted disciple-makers inside places like Mecca, baptizing believers for the first time in 1,400 years, right under the nose of Islam’s most sacred stronghold. 

But here is the hard truth. 

The local Church raises $213 billion every year, with only 20% going to missions, yet only 1% of that 20% helps fund the most unreached and persecuted places on earth. That is not just neglect; it is spiritual abandonment. Imagine a military pouring 99% of its resources into areas already secured, leaving the frontlines wide open for the enemy to advance. That is exactly what is happening in missions today, and it is no wonder Islam is spreading and now has infiltrated most Western countries.  

ISIS Demonstrates to Christians How to Lay Down Their Lives 

Islam is not slowing down, but Christians are. While radicals die for a lie, most believers will not even live for the truth. Enough is enough. I am tired of the comments from believers telling us to “let them kill themselves” and “may they all die.” This is not the heart of Jesus.  

We do not fight like the world fights. We fight with the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony, laying down our lives just as Jesus did…yes, even for our enemies. We are calling for warriors with hearts full of love who are tired of the status quo. Business as usual. 2020 was supposed to be a wake-up call, but only for the masses to go right back to sleep. We have few to hold the rope for those going into the fire and even fewer of those willing to go into the fire themselves. 

Islam is the Great Goliath of our day, and this is a moment when Goliath is roaring, but he is about to fall.

Are you ready to pick up your stone? 

Here are a few ways to learn how to join this fight and advance the Kingdom of God the way Jesus taught us too: 

  • Support the Persecuted Church on the frontlines 
  • Watch our free documentary, Sheep Among Wolves 2, and see how God is toppling strongholds.
  • Enroll in our free course, which is taught by our disciple-makers in the field, on how to engage your communities and make disciples of the lost.
  • Education | Read The Forgotten Manifesto of Jesus, launching this January in the US.
  • Coming soon, new strategies to engage in the North American regions, launching April 2025. 

The time is now. Frontlines are being redrawn. 

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.” – Revelation 12:11

Be the Underground Church